
Species Category Title Author Citation
Alpaca Management Evaluation of Glucose Response to 3 Types of Insulin Using a Continuous Glucose Monitoring System in Healthy Alpacas Byers SR, Beemer OM, Lear AS, Callan RJ. J Vet Intern Med. 2014 Sep;28(5):1613-20
Alpaca Management Volatile fatty acid profile for grass hay or alfalfa hay fed to alpacas (Vicugna pacos) Oldham CL, Robinson TF, Hunter ZR, Taylor L, White J, Johnston NP. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl). 2014 Oct;98(5):908-13
Alpaca Management Gradual training of alpacas to the confinement of metabolism pens reduces stress when normal excretion behavior is accommodated Lund KE, Maloney SK, Milton JT, Blache D. ILAR J. 2012 Jan;53(1):22-30
Alpaca Management Comparison of three point-of-care blood glucose meters for use in adult and juvenile alpacas Tennent-Brown BS, Koenig A, Williamson LH, Boston RC. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2011 Aug 1;239(3):380-6
Alpaca Management Soil nutrient accumulation in alpaca latrine sites McGregor BA; Brown, AJ Small Rumin Res. 2010 Nov;94(1-3):17-24
Alpaca Management Genetic analysis of six production traits in Peruvian alpacas Gutiérrez, J.P; Goyache, F; Burgos, A; Cervantes, I Livestock Sci. 2009 Aug;123(2-3):193-197
Alpaca Management Raising alpacas: Easy to raise and easy to love, let alpacas bring you farming bliss. Campbell, G.S.   Small Farm Today. Clark, MO: Missouri Farm Publishing Inc., [1992-. Mar/Apr 2001. v. 18 (2) p. 36-40.
Alpaca Management Natural goat & alpaca care Coleby, Pat. 2nd ed. Collingwood, Vic.: Landlinks Press, c2000. viii, 352 p.: ill
Alpaca Management Alpacas: An attractive & amicable acquisition for your land Marcelina, E. AgVentures. Blackwell, OK: Schatz Pub. Group, c1997-. Dec 1999/Jan 2000. v. 3 (6) p. 6-8, 10-13.
Alpaca Management Alpacas of Tolst Hills Farm Wherrit, I.; F. Milde Small Farm Today. Clark, MO: Missouri Farm Publishing Inc., [1992-. Feb/Mar 1998. v. 15 (1) p. 33-34.
Alpaca Management Alpacas: the huggable investment. Anonymous. Small Farm Today. Columbia, Mo.: Missouri Farm Publishing Inc. Aug 1995. v. 12 (4) p. 30-31
Alpaca Management Small farm alpacas Macher, R Small Farm Today.
Alpaca Management A simulation model of an alpaca system in the dry puna of the Andes Arce, B.A.; C. Anguilar; R. Canas; R.A. Quiroz. Agric Syst. Oxford: Elsevier Applied Science. 1994. v. 46 (2) p. 205-225.
Alpaca Management Alpaca farming. Exotic alternatives an insight into other farming ventures deer farming, sheep dairying, yabby farming, ostrich farming, alpaca farming Bridges, C Melbourne, Vic.: Agmedia: Dept. of Agriculture; [Geelong]: GOTEC, c1992. p. 51-56
Alpaca Management La granja de auquenidos. [The farm of alpacas.] Toledo, A. Lima, Peru. Boletin de la Direccion de Ganaderia. Ganaderia. 1(1): 10-14. June 1947
Alpaca Management Alpacas: attractive investment attractive lifestyle Sands, J.D. AgVentures. Blackwell, OK: Schatz Pub. Group. June/July 1997. [v. 1 (1)?] p. 28-32.
Alpaca Management Alpacas: wooly & wonderful Rae, M. Small Farm Today. Clark, MO: Missouri Farm Publishing Inc., [1992-. Feb/Mar 1997. v. 14 (1) p. 27
Alpaca Management Snowmass Alpacas presents Snowmass Alpacas (Firm). [Snowmass, CO: Snowmass Alpacas, 1996?] [12] p.: chiefly col. ill.
Alpaca Management Secrets of the Andean alpaca: assessing fiber characteristics and conformation: the field guide Krieger, Maggie, 1952-; Krieger, Richard Saltspring Island, B.C.: Saltspring Island Llamas and Alpacas, [1994] xi, 116 p.:
Alpaca Management Raising alpacas and llamas in southern Peru Ruiz de Castilla Marin, Mario Qosqo, Peru: Municipalidad del Qosqo, 1994. 206 p
Alpaca Management The Peruvian alpaca industry: a study tour report for RIRDC. Tuckwell, Chris., Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation Research paper (Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation); no. 94/8. Canberra: Rural Industries Research and Development Corp., c1994. 50 p.
Alpaca Management Development of the alpaca raising industry. Claverias-H., Ricardo and Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo de las Comunidades Alpaqueras del Peru. Lima: CEDCAP: CECI, 1991. 268 p
Alpaca Management Botanical composition and nutritional quality of alpaca diets in two Andean rangeland communities Reiner, R.J.; F.C. Bryant J Range Manage. Denver, Colo.: Society for Range Management. Sept 1986. v. 39 (5) p. 424-427
Alpaca Management Dry season forage selection by alpaca (Lama pacos) in southern Peru. Bryant, F.C.; R.D. Farfan. J Range Manage. Denver, Colo.: Society for Range Management. July 1984. v. 37 (4) p. 330-333
Alpaca Management Alpaca raising in the high Andes Fernandez Baca, S World Anim Rev, 1975, 14: 1 8. Ref.
Alpaca Management Rearing and improvement of alpacas. Calle Escobar, R Peru Minist Agric Bol, Mar 1972, 19, 65 p.
Alpaca Management Optimising sampling techniques and estimating sampling variance of fleece quality attributes in alpacas Aylan, Parker J.; McGregor, B.A Small Ruminant Research. April, 2002; 44(1): 53-64.
Camel Management Characterisation of camel breeding practices in the Ansongo Region, Mali Traoré B, Moula N, Toure A, Ouologuem B, Leroy P, Antoine-Moussiaux N. Trop Anim Health Prod. 2014 Oct;46(7):1303-12
Camel Management The Role of the Oregon State University Endophyte Service Laboratory in Diagnosing Clinical  Cases of Endophyte Toxicoses Craig AM, Blythe LL, Duringer JM. J Agric Food Chem. 2014 Jul 30;62(30):7376-81
Camel Management Impact of feeding on growth performance, blood biochemical and mineral profiles of pre- pubescent camels under pastoral management in arid western Rajasthan Impact of feeding on growth performance, blood biochemical and mineral profiles of pre- pubescent camels under pastoral management in arid western Rajasthan Trop Anim Health Prod. 2014 Aug;46(6):987-94
Camel Management Defining weaning age of camel calves in Eastern Ethiopia Chibsa MB, Mummed YY, Kurtu MY, Leta MU. Springerplus. 2014 Jun 25;3:313. doi:10.1186/2193-1801-3-313. eCollection 2014 URL:
Camel Management Space and habitat use by wild Bactrian camels in the Transaltai Gobi of southern Mongolia Kaczensky P, Adiya Y, von Wehrden H, Mijiddorj B, Walzer C, Güthlin D, Enkhbileg D, Reading RP. Biol Conserv. 2014 Jan;169(100):311-318
Camel Management Could dromedary camels develop stereotypy? The first description of stereotypical behaviour in housed male dromedary camels and how it is affected by different management systems Padalino B, Aubé L, Fatnassi M, Monaco D, Khorchani T, Hammadi M, Lacalandra GM. PLoS One. 2014 Feb 19;9(2):e89093 URL:
Camel Management Determination of Hepatotoxic Indospicine in Australian Camel Meat by Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) Tan ET, Fletcher MT, Yong K, D'Arcy BR, Al Jassim R. J Agric Food Chem. 2014 Feb 26;62(8):1974-9
Camel Management Prevalence of Clostridium difficile in raw beef, cow, sheep, goat, camel and buffalo meat in Iran Rahimi E, Jalali M, Weese JS. BMC Public Health. 2014 Feb 5;14(1):119
Camel Management Chemical composition and structural characteristics of Arabian camel (Camelus dromedarius) m. longissimus thoracis Al-Owaimer AN, Suliman GM, Sami AS, Picard B, Hocquette JF. Meat Sci. 2014 Mar;96(3):1233-41
Camel Management Chemical composition and structural characteristics of Arabian camel (Camelus dromedarius) m. longissimus thoracis Al-Owaimer AN, Suliman GM, Sami AS, Picard B, Hocquette JF. Meat Sci. 2014 Mar;96(3):1233-41
Camel Management Kadim IT, Al-Karousi A, Mahgoub O, Al-Marzooqi W, Khalaf SK, Al-Maqbali RS, Al-Sinani SS, Raiymbek G. Kadim IT, Al-Karousi A, Mahgoub O, Al-Marzooqi W, Khalaf SK, Al-Maqbali RS, Al-Sinani SS, Raiymbek G. Meat Sci. 2013 Mar;93(3):564-71
Camel Management Camel Calves as Opportunistic Milk Thefts? The First Description of Allosuckling in Domestic Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus) Brandlová K, Bartoš L, Haberová T. PLoS One. 2013 Jan 9;8(1): URL
Camel Management Chemical composition, quality and histochemical characteristics of individual dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius) muscles Kadim IT, Al-Karousi A, Mahgoub O, Al-Marzooqi W, Khalaf SK, et al. Meat Sci. 2013 Mar;93(3):564-71
Camel Management The socio-economic impact of important camel diseases as perceived by a pastoralist community in Kenya. Mochabo MO, Kitala PM, Gathura PB, Ogara WO, Eregae EM, Kaitho TD, Catley A. Onderstepoort J Vet Res. 2006 Dec;73(4):269-74
Camel Management Rod Malchow's camels Selbert, P. Small Farm Today. Clark, MO: Missouri Farm Publishing Inc., [1992-. Dec 1995. v. 12 (6) p. 45-46
Camelid Management Prairie rattlesnake envenomation in 27 New World camelids Sonis JM, Hackett ES, Callan RJ, Holt TN, Hackett TB. J Vet Intern Med. 2013 Sep-Oct;27(5):1238-41
Camelid Management [Dry matter intake of South American camelids and its effects on the composition of feed rations] Stölzl AM, Lambertz C, Moors E, Stiehl J, Gauly M. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr. 2014 Jul-Aug;127(7-8):328-32  Article in German.
Camelid Management Pain management in South American Camelids Aarnes, T.K. Intl. Camelid Health Conf; 2014 - March 1-4; Ohio State Univ.; pp 245-247
Camelid Management Evolutionary history of camelids Fowler, M.E. Intl. Camelid Health Conf; 2014 - March 1-4; Ohio State Univ.; pp 229-230
Camelid Management AASRP Camelid List Serve exercise 2014 Johnson, L.W. Intl. Camelid Health Conf; 2014 - March 1-4; Ohio State Univ.; pp 153-157
Camelid Management Pastoralism in Northern Peru during Pre-Hispanic Times: Insights from the Mochica Period (100-800 AD) Based on Stable Isotopic Analysis of Domestic Camelids Dufour E, Goepfert N, Gutiérrez Léon B, Chauchat C, Franco Jordán R, Sánchez SV. PLoS One. 2014 Jan 31;9(1):e87559.  URL:
Camelid Management Camelid adverse results Johnson, L.W. Intl. Camelid Health Conf; 2013 - July 11-14; Oregon State Univ.; pp. 179-184
Camelid Management Care of camelids – Book Review A. F. Starnes Vet Rec. 2013 July 13;173(2):51
Camelid Management Assessment and Management of Pain in Small Ruminants and Camelids Plummer PJ, Schleining, JA. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract. 2013 Mar;29(1):185-208
Camelid Management AASRP Camelid List Serve Exercise Johnson, L.W. Proc.Intl. Health Conf. for Veterinarians, 2012 (Ohio State Univ.) pp 22-26
Camelid Management Poisoning in camelids Fowler, M.E. Proc.Intl. Health Conf. for Veterinarians, 2012 (Ohio State Univ.) pp 86-93
Camelid Management Managing the colicky camelid McKenzie, E.C. Proc.Intl. Health Conf. for Veterinarians, 2012 (Ohio State Univ.) pp 106-110
Camelid Management Update on energy metabolism Cebra, C.K. Proc.Intl. Health Conf. for Veterinarians, 2012 (Ohio State Univ.) pp 124-125
Camel Management High country camel Wolcott, J. Am For. Washington, D.C.: American Forestry Association. Jan/Feb 1989. v. 95 (1/2) p. 46-49.
Camelid Management Lessons learned in the Peruvian highlands Purdy, S. Intl. Camelid Health Conf; 2011 - March 3-6; Oregon State Univ.; pp. 39-41
Camelid Management Biosecurity in camelid operations and quality assurance in the UK Whitehead, C.E. Intl. Camelid Health Conf; 2011 - March 3-6; Oregon State Univ.; pp. 124-128
Camelid Management Evaluating a potentially strong trophic interaction: pumas and wild camelids in protected areas of Argentina Donadio E.; Novaro AJ; Buskirk SW; Wurstten A; Vitali MS; Monteverde MJ. Jnl of Zoology. 2010 Jan; 280(1):33-40
Camelid Management Management of Neonatal Llamas and Alpacas Whitehead, CE Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract 2009 (July);25(2):353-366
Camelid Management Pre-weaning morbidity and mortality of llamas and alpacas Sharpe, MS; Lord, LK; Wittum, TE; Anderson, DE Aust Vet J. 2009 Jan/Feb;87(1-2):56-60
Camelid Management Postal survey of the population of South American camelids in the United Kingdom in 2000/01. D'Alterio GL, Knowled TG, Eknaes EI, Loevland IE, Foster AP. Vet Rec. 2006 Jan 21:158(3) :86-90
Camelid Management Physical examination, restraint & conformation Johnson, L.W. Current Veterinary Care & Management of Llamas & Alpacas; 2004; Ohio State Univ. : pp 9-22
Camelid Management Medical herd management McGee Bennett, M. Current Veterinary Care & Management of Llamas & Alpacas; 2004; Ohio State Univ. :pp 91-124
Camelid Management First 30 days of the alpaca cria Bravo, P.W. Current Veterinary Care & Management of Llamas & Alpacas; 2004; Ohio State Univ. :pp 131-132
Camelid Management Ionophore toxicity in camelids: understanding the salinomycin death outbreak in alpacas in Ohio Anderson, D.E. Current Veterinary Care & Management of Llamas & Alpacas; 2004; Ohio State Univ. : pp 145-152
Camelid Management Lamas at the Grand National Macher, R. Small Farm today. Clark, MO: Missouri Farm Publishing Inc., [1992-. Mar/Apr 2000. v. 17 (2) p. 46-48.
Camelid Management Small ruminants in development: the Heifer Project International experience in Asia. Pelant, R.K.; Chandra, B.; Pu, J.B.; Lohani, M.; Suknaphasawat, N.; Xu, G Small Rumin Res. Amsterdam; New York: Elsevier. Nov 1999. v. 34 (3) p. 247-257.
Camelid Management International llama & alpaca directory: lama owners location guide International llama & alpaca directory 2nd. Able Publishing. Manhattan, Kan.: Able Pub., [1995?] 60 p.:
Camelid Management Evolution and present situation of the South American Camelidae Wheeler, J.C. Biol J Linn Soc. London: Academic Press. Mar 1995. v. 54 (3) p. 271-298.
Camelid Management Diversification in the woolbelt Allen, J. J Agric. South Perth, W.A.: Dept. of Agriculture, 1972-. 1994. v. 35 (1) p. 30-34
Camelid Management Health care of the geriatric llama and alpaca. Fowler, M.E Vet Clin North Am, Food Anim Pract. Philadelphia, Pa.: W.B. Saunders Company. July 1994. v. 10 (2) p. 391-399.
Camelid Management Ostrich farming. Exotic alternatives an insight into other farming ventures deer farming, sheep dairying, yabby farming, ostrich farming, alpaca farming Durieux, J Melbourne, Vic.: Agmedia: Dept. of Agriculture; [Geelong]: GOTEC, c1992. p. 41-47.
Camelid Management Big bucks from bizarre breeds Cramer, C. New Farm. Emmaus, Pa.: Regenerative Agriculture Association. Sept/Oct 1986. v. 8 (6) p. 20-24.
Camelid Management Highland agriculture in Peru. II. Alpaca and sheep farming. Stevens, E.J Rev Tussock Grassl Mt Lands Inst. Christchurch: The Institute. Dec 1982. (41) p. 22-28
Camelid Management Herds and herders in the Inca state. Murra, J. V. Man, Culture, and Animals; the Role of Animals in Human Ecological Adjustments. Edited by Anthony Leeds and Andrew P. Vayda, p. 185-215.
Camelid Management Alberta Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development. Alberta Farm Business Management Initiative. Dey, Dennis H.; Commercial alpaca industry. [Edmonton, Alta.?]: Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development: Alberta Farm Business Management Initiative, [1998] 11 p.
Camelid Management Lama owners directory. [International llama & alpaca directory.] Manhattan, KS Able Pub., [1998?-] v.: ill.
Camelid Management Caring for llamas & alpacas: a health and management guide Hoffmann, Clare.; Ingrid Asmus 2nd ed. March 1996. Monte Vista, CO: Rocky Mountain Llama and Alpaca Association, [1996] 171
Camelid Management The Waldo chronicles: a training log Ingram, Gwen, Dexter, OR: Lost Creek Llamaprints, c1996. vii, 92
Camelid Management Group size, spatial segregation and activity of wild sympatric vicunas Vicugna vicugna and guanacos, Lama guanicoe. Lucherini, M. Small Rumin Res. Amsterdam; New York: Elsevier. May 15, 1996. v. 20 (3) p. 193-198
Camelid Management   Smith, Bradford B.; Karen L. Timm; Patrick O. Long. Llama and alpaca neonatal care. 1st ed. Jackson, Calif.: Clay Press, 1996. 112
Camelid Management Speciality fibre product development and marketing: report of a speciality fibre mission to Yorkshire, U.K. and Oklahoma, U.S.A., September and October 1993 McGregor, B.A. (Bruce A.) and Victoria Study Tour Report Series 0815-2373; no. 158. [Melbourne, Vic.?]: Dept. of Agriculture, [1994] 36
Camelid Management Towards committed and collaborative camelid research Wilson, R.T J Arid Environ. London, New York, Academic Press. Jan 1994. v. 26 (1) p. 95-103
Camelid Management Financial considerations. Exotic alternatives an insight into other farming ventures deer farming, sheep dairying, yabby farming, ostrich farming, alpaca farming. Lanigan, B. Melbourne, Vic.: Agmedia: Dept. of Agriculture; [Geelong]: GOTEC, c1992. p. 59-68.
Camelid Management Herd composition in an Aymara community of the Peruvian Altiplano: a linear programming problem Kuznar, L.A. Hum Ecol. New York, N.Y.: Plenum Press. Sept 1991. v. 19 (3) p. 369-387.
Camelid Management The new world Tylopoda. Leupold, J. Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift. 74(16): 414-417. Ref. Aug. 15, 1967.
Camelid Management Camelidos sur-Americanos: una fauna util que desaparece. [The camelids of South America: An animal that is disappearing.] Pena Sosa, A. El Agricultor Venezolano. 21 (199): 20-21.
Camelid Management La ganaderia en Peru: los aquenidos. [Livestock in Peru: the llama family.] Chivilchez Chavez, J. Granja, Madrid, Spain. 3(26): 39-40. Feb. 1955
Guanaco Management Spatial and seasonal dynamic of abundance and distribution of guanaco and livestock: insights from using density surface and null models Schroeder NM, Matteucci SD, Moreno PG, Gregorio P, Ovejero R, Taraborelli P, Carmanchahi PD. PLoS  One. 2014 Jan 22;9(1):e85960  URL:
Guanaco Management Spatial and seasonal dynamic of abundance and distribution of guanaco and livestock: insights from using density surface and null models Schroeder NM, Matteucci SD, Moreno PG, Gregorio P, Ovejero R, Taraborelli P, Carmanchahi PD. PLoS  One. 2014 Jan 22;9(1):e85960  URL:
Guanaco Managment Demographic effects of live shearing on a guanaco population Rey A, Novaro AJ, Sahores M, Guichón, ML. Small Rumin Res, 2012 Oct;107(2-3):92-100
Guanaco Management The effect of transport on cortisol, glucose, heart rate, leukocytes and body weight in captive-reared guanacos (Lama guanicoe) Zapata B.; Gimpel J.; Bonacic C.; Gonzalez B.A.; Riveros J.L.; Ramirez A.M.; Bas F.; Macdonald D.W. Animal Welfare. 2004 Nov;13(4):439-444
Guanaco Management Failure to estimate reliable sex ratios of guanaco from road-survey data Pedrana J, Rodriguez A, Bustamante J, Travaini A, Zanon Martinez JI Can J Zool. 2009 Oct 1;87(10):886-894
Guanaco Management Allonursing in Captive Guanacos, Lama guanicoe: Milk Theft or Misdirected Parental Care? Zapata, B, Gonzalez, BA, Ebensperger, LA Ethology 2009 Aug;115(8):731-37
Llama Management Sarcocystis spp. in llamas (Lama glama) in Southern Bolivia: A cross sectional study of the prevalence, risk factors and loss in income caused by carcass downgrades Rooney AL, Limon G, Vides H, Cortez A, Guitian J. Prev Vet Med. 2014 Oct 1;116(3):296-304
Llama Management Effects of supplementary feeding on carcass and meat quality traits of young llamas (Lama glama) L.W. Mamani-Linares, C. Gallo Small Rumin Res, 2013 Sept;114(2-3):233-239
Llama Management Meat quality, proximate composition and muscle fatty acid profile of young llamas (Lama glama) supplemented with hay or concentrate during the dry season Mamani-Linares LW, Gallo CB. Meat Sci. 2013 Jul 29;96(1):394-399
Llama Management Exotic grass and shrub production evaluation and llama preference on the Bolivian Altiplano Fugal RA; Anderson VJ; Roundy B. Small Rumin Res. 2010 Nov;94(1-3):150-160
Llama Management Comparison of endotracheal intubation techniques in llamas Byers SR, Cary JA, Farnsworth KD. Can Vet J. 2009 Jul;50(7):745-9
Llama Management A contribution to the energy supply of pre-ruminant and lactating llamas (Lama glama) [article in German] Riek, A Tierarztl Prax Ausg G Grosstiere Nutztiere 2008; Jahrgang36(5):338-341
Llama Management "It" happens! Selling llama manure.   Laraway, W.   Small Farm Today. Clark, MO: Missouri Farm Publishing Inc., [1992-. Mar/Apr 2001. v. 18 (2) p. 42-43.
Llama Management Yenneveldt llama farm. Marguet, E. Small Farm Today. Clark, MO: Missouri Farm Publishing Inc., [1992-;. July/Aug 2001. v. 18 (4) p. 68.
Llama Management The geriatric llama: a baseline study Timm, K.I.; Hamir, A.N.; Mattoon, J.S.; Smith, B.B. The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine presents Camelid Medicine, Surgery and Reproduction, March 22-25, 2000. Columbus, Ohio: The College, [2000] p. 33-37
Llama Management Herd health programs for llamas Pugh, D.G.; C.B. Navarre. The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine presents Camelid Medicine, Surgery and Reproduction, March 22-25, 2000. Columbus, Ohio: The College, [2000] p. 57-61.
Llama Management So you want a buy a llama. Reigh, C. Small Farm Today. Clark, MO: Missouri Farm Publishing Inc., [1992-. Mar/Apr 2000. v. 17 (2) p. 49-51.
Llama Management What you need to know about owning llamas Reigh, C. Small Farm Today. Clark, MO: Missouri Farm Publishing Inc., [1992-. July/Aug 2000. v. 17 (4) p. 32-33.
Llama Management The llowdown on llamas Gilbert, J. Small Farm Today. Clark, MO: Missouri Farm Publishing Inc., [1992-. Feb/Mar 1999. v. 16 (1) p. 21-23
Llama Management The lure of llamas on your land Anonymous AgVentures. Blackwell, OK: Schatz Pub. Group, c1997-. Feb/Mar 1998. v. 2 (1) p. 26, 28-29
Llama Management About llamas Alden, J. Small Farm Today. Clark, MO: Missouri Farm Publishing Inc., [1992-. Feb/Mar 1997. v. 14 (1) p. 28-29.
Llama Management A guide to raising llamas: care, showing, breeding, packing, profiting. Birutta, Gale, A Storey animal handbook. Pownal, Vt.: Storey Communications, c1997. vi, 327
Llama Management Llamas are fun Belcher, S. Small Farm Today. Clark, MO: Missouri Farm Publishing Inc., [1992-. Oct/Nov 1996. v. 13 (5) p. 20-23
Llama Management Guard llamas Borchard, H. Small Farm Today. Columbia, Mo.: Missouri Farm Publishing Inc. Feb 1995. v. 12 (1) p. 32-33
Llama Management Care of llamas   Equine Pract. [Santa Barbara, Calif.,: Veterinary Practice Pub. Co.], 1979-. Oct 1995. v. 17 (9) p. 31-34.
Llama Management Composition of milk from llamas in the United States Morin, D.E.; L.L. Rowan; W.L. Hurley; W.E. Braselton. J Dairy Sci. Champaign, Ill.: American Dairy Science Association. Aug 1995. v. 78 (8) p. 1713-1720
Llama Management Vaccination guidelines for small ruminants (sheep, goats, llamas, domestic deer, and wapiti). Anonymous. J Am Vet Med Assoc. Schaumburg, Ill.: The Association. Dec 1, 1994. v. 205 (11) p. 1539-1544
Llama Management Llamas 101: the basics Evans, C.N.; D.M. Matthews Proc North Am Vet Conf. [Gainesville, Fla.]: Eastern States Veterinary Association, 1992-. 1994. p. 840-844
Llama Management Llamas for love and money Hart, Rosana, Llamas for love and money. 2nd ed. Olympia, Wash.: Juniper Ridge Press, 1994. 174 p.:
Llama Management Llama herd health Johnson, L.W Vet Clin North Am, Food Anim Pract. Philadelphia, Pa.: W.B. Saunders Company. July 1994. v. 10 (2) p. 248-258
Llama Management In search of the ideal llama: assessing conformational traits in llamas: the field guide. Saltspring Island, B.C Krieger, Richard, 1948-; Krieger, Maggie  
Llama Management Investing in Llamas. Borchard, H Small Farm Today. Columbia, Mo.: Missouri Farm Publishing Inc. Aug 1993. v. 10 (4) p. 44-45
Llama Management Guard Llamas Franklin, W.L.; K.J. Powell PM Iowa State Univ Coop Ext Serv. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University, Cooperative Extension Service. June 1993. (1527) 12 p.
Llama Management Some general information for the potential llama owner Thedford, T.R OSU Ext Facts. [Stillwater, Olka.: Cooperative Extension Service, Division of Agriculture, Oklahoma State University]. Nov 1993. (F-9122) 2 p
Llama Management Llamas: why are they so popular? Bruhn, Sharliss; Parkland Llama & Alpaca Club; Northern Alberta Llama Club Blackfalds, AB: Parkland Llama & Alpaca Club, c1992. 30 p.
Llama Management Llama seminar a success Wacker, L. Small Farm Today. Columbia, Mo.: Missouri Farm Publishing Inc. Aug 1992. v. 9 (4) p. 32-33.
Llama Management Llamas: an introduction to care, training, and handling Burt, Sandi Loveland, CO: Alpine Publications, c1991. xiii, 190 p.:
Llama Management Living with Llamas: tales from Juniper Ridge. 3rd ed. Hart, Rosana Ashland, Or.: Juniper Ridge Press, 1991. 188 p.:
Llama Management Packing with llamas: partners on the trail. United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region. R6-F16-SO; 0291. [Washington, D.C.?]: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, [1991] 1 folded sheet (8 p.):
Llama Management Llama leader for a day Kingdon, L.B. Ariz Land People. Tucson, Ariz.: College of Agriculture, University of Arizona. Spring 1989. v. 39 (1) p. 12-14
Llama Management The allure of the llama. Seigle, N. Farmline U S Dep Agric Econ Res Serv. Washington, D.C.: The Service. Mar 1985. v. 6 (3) p. 12
Llama Management Influence of llamas, horses, and hikers on soil erosion from established recreation trails in western Montana, USA. DeLuca, T.H.; W.A. Patterson IV.; W.A. Freimund; D.N. Cole. Environ Manage. New York, Springer-Verlag. Mar/Apr 1998. v. 22 (2) p. 255-262.
Llama Management How to determine and when to use body weight estimates and condition scores in llamas. Hilton, C.D.; D.G. Pugh; J.C. Wright; B.M. Waldridge: S.A. Simpkins; A.M. Heath. Vet Med. Lenexa, Kan.: Veterinary Medicine Publishing Group. Nov 1998. v. 93 (11) p. 1015-1018.
Llama Management Degradability of Andrean range forages in llamas and sheep Genin, D.; M. Tichit J Range Manage. Denver, Colo.: Society for Range Management. July 1997. v. 50 (4) p. 381-385.
Llama Management Promoting llamas Williams, L Small Farm Today. Columbia, Mo.: Missouri Farm Publishing Inc. Feb 1996. v. 13 (1) p. 34-35
Llama Management Congenital defects in the llama Leipold, H.W.; T. Hiraga; L.W. Johnson Vet Clin North Am, Food Anim Pract. Philadelphia, Pa.: W.B. Saunders Company. July 1994. v. 10 (2) p. 401-420
Llama Management Llama handling and training. McGee, M. Vet Clin North Am, Food Anim Pract. Philadelphia, Pa.: W.B. Saunders Company. July 1994. v. 10 (2) p. 421-434.
Llama Management Llamas for love and money Hart, Rosana, 1st ed. Ashland, Or.: Juniper Ridge Press, 1991. 270 p
Llama Management The llama industry in the United States Ebel, S. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract. Philadelphia, Pa.: W.B. Saunders Company. Mar 1989. v. 5 (1) p. 1-20
Llama Management Caring for llamas: a health and management guide Hoffman, Clare and Ingrid Asmus Livermore, Colo.: Rocky Mountain Llama Association, c1989. 150 p
Llama Management Are you considering a petting zoo? Don't overlook llamas Anonymous Rural Enterp. Menomonee Falls, Wis.: Rural Enterprise. Summer 1988. v. 2 (3) p. 22-23
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