
Species Category Title Author Citation
Alpaca Ears Hearing in alpacas (Vicugna pacos): Audiogram, localization acuity, and use of binaural locus cues Heffner RS, Koay G, Heffner HE. J Acoust Soc Am. 2014 Feb;135(2):778
Alpaca Ears Otitis Media and Bulla Osteotomy in alpacas Anderson, D.E. Intl. Camelid Health Conf.; 2009 - March 12-15; Oregon State Univ.; pp 67-70
Alpaca Ears Total ear canal ablation and lateral bulla osteotomy in an alpaca. Marriott MR, Dart AJ, Macpherson C, Hodgson DR. Aust Vet J. 1999 May;77(5):301-2
Camelid Ears Medical treatment of Otitis in Camelids Hustace, J. Intl. Camelid Health Conf.; 2009 - March 12-15; Oregon State Univ.; pp 63-65
Llama Ears Computed tomographic features of the osseous structures of the external acoustic meatus, tympanic cavity, and tympanic bulla of llamas (Lama glama) Concha-Albornoz I, Stieger-Vanegas SM, Cebra CK. Am J Vet Res. 2012 Jan;73(1):42-52
Llama Ears Computed tomography analysis of the osseous external and middle ear of llamas Concha-Albornoz, I.; Stieger-Vanegas, S.M.; Cebra, C.K. Intl. Camelid Health Conf; 2011 - March 3-6; Oregon State Univ.; p. 72